If you are currently unable to make your payments, dealing with creditor actions against you, or are drowning in debt, turn to Ruff & Cohen. Depending on whether you qualify in the means test, Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be the answer to your prayers. Our Jacksonville Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyers can put our experience and skills to use for you.
At our firm, we strive to help individuals and families who have become stressed as a result of overwhelming debt. Also known as liquidation, Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows you to pay back your debts using non-exempt assets that you essentially "sell back." If you do not have significant assets which you can liquidate, you will not have anything to lose by discharging your debt with Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Filing for bankruptcy is quite complicated and requires an experienced Jacksonville bankruptcy lawyer to guide you. We can meet with you to guide you every step of the way, including making motions, preparing documents, and representing you in court. You can trust us to take the time to explore all options before recommending filing for Chapter 7. If all goes well, the process will typically only take a few months.
If you have questions and concerns about Chapter 7 bankruptcy and whether it is right for you, our team is here to help. We would like to offer you a free initial consultation to discuss your thoughts and concerns, or to learn how we can help.
Call us now at (352) 376-3601 if you are interested in making an appointment with a Jacksonville bankruptcy lawyer!