Imagine waking up one morning to see that the dark cloud of hopeless debt has cleared. The credit card debts have been forgiven. Your huge bill from the hospital has vanished. The credit card lawsuit against you has stopped in its tracks. The garnishment of your paycheck has been lifted. The phone rings and you stay calm because you know collection agents are not calling anymore. You may still have a mortgage payment or a car payment, and you still have to pay those student loans, but you can live with that. Things are manageable again. You owe it all to your Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing.
Schedule a free evaluation with Ruff & Cohen to discuss your bankruptcy case. Call (352) 376-3601!
It all depends on the facts of your situation right now. Maybe a Chapter 12 or a Chapter 11 is more appropriate. You may have heard rumors from friends or co-workers about how the different chapters of bankruptcy work, but you owe it to yourself to get the real story from a real lawyer. The Jacksonville bankruptcy attorneys at Ruff & Cohen are here to impart their extensive knowledge in bankruptcy process—from reviewing your debts to accounting your median income and deciding which chapter to file.
There are many lawyers who advertise that they can handle your case. Some are new at bankruptcy law and some have experience. With Ruff & Cohen you deal directly with a seasoned lawyer, not an assistant. The lawyers are our firm graduated with honors from the University of Florida Law School. Each of our lawyers has filed over 3,000 bankruptcy cases and has represented clients in bankruptcy cases for over 25 years. We take pride in our work. We handle your case with care and understanding. We invite you to research us on the Internet. Do a Google search for Ruff Cohen Gainesville or Ruff Cohen Jacksonville. See how past clients have rated our work and their experience with our firm. We think you will be pleased at what other people say about us.
Call the Gainesville bankruptcy attorneys today at (352) 376-3601 for a free consultation!